Angelus Tree Planting coming soon…
The Angelus Tree Planting is part of our Madison AVE Midtown Improvement project. We hope to plant the trees this Fall in the 10ft. sidewalk on Angelus next to Cash Saver. Shade can make it feel 5-15 degrees cooler and after the brutal summer heat this year we know now more than ever what a difference shade can make. Memphis City Beautiful received funding to provide the trees and is raising funds through grants, sponsorships and donations.
Our goal is $25,000.
Shade is Cool is our campaign slogan and with any $100 or more donation you will receive a free t-shirt. You can adopt a tree for $500 and receive a shirt, a recognition plaque by the tree and on our website, and two Mojo of Midtown Awards Bash tickets. The Mojo Awards will be held April 5, 2023 at Circuit Playhouse.
See images below for how Madison Ave. between Avalon and Angelus could be safer, more beautiful, and cooler with more trees.
Thanks to Andy Kitsinger and the Development-Studio
for technical assistance and the following images.