Commissions, Boards, and Definitions
Memphis Landmarks Commission (MLC)
The Memphis Landmarks Commission hears the following types of applications:
Certificates of Appropriateness (COA)
Applications for new local historic districts (HD)
If a property owner within a historic district seeks a building permit for exterior work, the owner must receive a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) from the Memphis Landmarks Commission (MLC).
Commission: 2:00 PM on the fourth Thursday of the month. City Council Chambers (5th Floor City Council Executive Chambers during construction) 125 N. Main St., Memphis, TN 38103
Design Review Meeting: 9:30 AM on the first Tuesday of the month via Zoom.
November and December meetings are held on the third Thursday.
Staffed by Executive Secretary: Brett Ragsdale and Preservation Planner: Ayse Tezel
The Landmarks Commission is made up of nine individuals, appointed by the Mayor of the City of Memphis and confirmed by the Memphis City Council. The current members are as follows (click on their name to send an email): Felecia Boyd, Joy Doss (Vice-Chair), Brown Gill, Joyce Selina Love, Shelly Rainwater, Lauren Tolbert, Cyndy Tucker (Chair), Mario Walker, and Michael Winter.
Board of Adjustment (BOA)
The BOA hears the following five types of requests:
Conditional Use Permits
Extensions of Zoning District Boundaries
Nonconforming Use Permits
The Memphis and Shelby County Board of Adjustment is composed of eight members, each of whom serves three-year terms.
Four members are appointed by the Mayor of Memphis and confirmed by the Memphis City Council. Four members are appointed by the Mayor of Shelby County and confirmed by the Shelby County Board of Commissioners.
Fourth Wednesday of the month at 2 PM (The Board meets the third Wednesday of November and December of each year.)
City Hall, First Floor City Council Chambers (5th Floor City Council Executive Chambers during construction) 125 N. Main, Memphis, TN 38103
Staffed by Land Use and Development Services, Acting Secretary: Brett Ragsdale
Land Use Control Board (LUCB)
The LUCB hears the following seven types of requests:
Area and neighborhood plans
Zoning map changes
Zoning text changes
Planned developments
Special use permits
Major subdivisions
Street closures
All except major subdivisions are processed through the Land Use Control Board before being forwarded to the Memphis City Council (MCC). The LUCB has final authority to approve a major subdivision unless it is appealed to MCC. The LUCB consists of ten members. Five members are appointed by the Mayor of Memphis and confirmed by the Memphis City Council. Five members are appointed by the Mayor of Shelby County and confirmed by the Shelby County Board of Commissioners.
Second Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM
First Floor City Council Chambers (5th Floor City Council Executive Chambers during construction) 125 N. Main, Memphis, TN 38103
Staffed by Land Use and Development Services, Brett Ragsdale
Memphis City Council (MCC)
The Memphis City Council exercises legislative powers for the city of Memphis. They are the final authority for area and neighborhood plans, zoning map changes, zoning text changes, planned developments, special use permits, major subdivisions (if appealed), and street closures.
The MCC is composed of thirteen members. Seven City Council members are elected from single-member districts, and six Council members are elected, three apiece, from two super districts that each cover half of the city.
City Council members that represent Midtown are as follows:
District 2 – Jerri Green
District 4 – Jamita Swearengen
District 5 — Phillip Spinosa
District 6 – Edmund Ford, Sr
District 7 – Michalyn Easter-Thomas
Super District 8-1 – JB Smiley, Jr
Super District 8-2 – Janika White
Super District 8-3 – Yoland Cooper-Sutton
Super District 9-1 — Chase Carlisl
Super District 9-2 — J. Ford Canal
Super District 9-3 — Dr. Jeff Warren
Certificates of Appropriateness (COA)
If a property owner within a historic district seeks a building permit for exterior work, the owner must receive a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) from the Memphis Landmarks Commission (MLC).
Applications for new local historic districts (HD)
Neighborhoods wishing to preserve their look and have some power over developers…
Construction that seeks an exception to the code…
Conditional Use Permits
Nonconforming Use Permits