MidtownMemphis.org is creating a sustainable garden for producing food to donate to Church Health while growing much needed pollinators, educational opportunities, and the experience of gardening in Midtown.
Learn more about what is growing in the Garden
More info coming soon…
Scan here to see our wish list of items needed for our garden.
Sign up here to volunteer at the garden.
Our partnership with Huey’s began in January 2023 when we planted 5 native maple tree next to the sidewalk as part of our Shade is Cool campaign. The need for a new manager of the garden known as the Community Table Garden was discussed and MidtownMemphis.org welcomed the opportunity to create a sustainable garden and add pollinators to midtown. Volunteers met on several occasions to clean out the raised beds and plant vegetables. Huey’s added the beautiful fence in September 2023. On October 19, 2023 Blooms and Brews will be held as a celebration and an opportunity for the community to support ongoing improvements. We look forward to you seeing the fruits of our labor. Veggies, that is.

MidtownMemphis.org does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion (creed), gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.